Crescendo network upgrade is coming to Testnet on August 14th, 8am PT. Flow supercharges the Ethereum ecosystem with full EVM-equivalency and the power of Cadence 1.0.
December 19, 2023
Flow Ecosystem 2023 Roundup and 2024 Town Hall
Flow Ecosystem 2023 Roundup and 2024 Town Hall

2024 Town Hall

Get ready to dive into 2024—because we're gearing up, and we want you right there with us.

Mark your calendars for January 24, 2024, at 8 AM Pacific | 4 PM London [Click here to add to your calendar].

Why? It's the annual Town Hall! Join us as we bring together influential voices from Flow Foundation and leading ecosystem builders like Dapper Labs, Doodles, Cryptoys, and more. Together, we'll explore our vision for what we anticipate to be the most significant year yet for Flow. Save the date, and be part of the excitement.

On the agenda: 

• A deep dive into what the Crescendo upgrade means for Flow.

  • Cadence maturity with its 1.0 launch, bringing backward compatibility, performance improvements, and entitlements enabling applications to easily build more safely and securely
  • Scalability with storage enhancement and Access Node script execution.
  • Security with greater byzantine fault tolerance resilience through dynamic protocol state enablement.
  • Why EVM on Flow is a game changer compared to EVM launches on other networks

• The latest news on our roadmap, reviewing how last year went and updating it for the next 12 months and beyond.

• Multiple demonstrations and future plans are shared by various ecosystem partners such as Doodles and Emerald City.

• An exclusive FLOAT, only available for attendees to commemorate the experience.

2023 Roundup

Before we talk more about what’s coming, it’s important to look at what’s happened. This year saw various milestones reached in the Flow ecosystem, both in terms of ecosystem activity and improvements to Flow’s protocol via network upgrades. In fact, all throughout 2023, the ecosystem has been hard at work shipping hundreds of improvements that increase protocol performance, speed, decentralization and security. These efforts underscore our commitment to refining and fortifying the Flow Ecosystem for all participants.

A Network Thriving with Activity

Flow's network has shown impressive resilience this year. Following explosive network activity in 2022, the network maintained stable YoY growth, with 10 million new accounts and an impressive 45 million active accounts in 2023, which as a whole processed a total of 205 million transactions, showcasing Flow’s scalability and resilience.

2023 by the numbers:

  • 45+ Million active accounts 
  • 200+ Million network transactions
  • 440+ Network Validators
  • 800+ Mainnet contracts deployed
  • 99.9% YTD Flow Network uptime

You can see more network stats from the FlowDiver analytics page.Home of a Vibrant Community 

Home of a Vibrant Community 

The Flow ecosystem has been bustling with exciting projects and collaborations. With huge brands and big IPs joining the space to indy teams and hackathon winners launching successful projects. 

2023 Collectible Projects Launches:

2023 Ecosystem Tool Releases:

  • Flow Reference Wallet, an open-source reference wallet created ‍for everyone, by everyone.
  • FlowDiver is a new block explorer for Flow with ongoing upgrades and improvements consistently since launch.
  • Flowser provides a slick UI and easy interface for developers to build on Flow with.
  • Toucans, a no-code DAO and token launchpad, has seen multiple DAOs and tokens being launched through the user-friendly no-code experience.

2023 Educational Resources:

  • Emerald Academy launched various tools and platforms, along with in-depth educational resources - videos, articles, guides, and more.
  • FlowView serves as a one-stop shop to view your Flow wallet and everything you would ever need to know about it.
  • ContractBrowser, a website that collects data for every Smart Contract on the Flow Network, in both mainnet and testnet, presenting it all in an easy and intuitive way.

All of these exciting announcements and metrics were also accompanied with novel approaches to thinking about building dapps and on-chain logic. The Flow ecosystem has started to become a hub for composability and innovation in 2023. This was more evident than ever as the community rallied around the first Hackathon on Flow, launching a range of different projects and dapps that showcased a range of innovation - only to out-do themselves in the second one! 

2023 Ecosystem Growth:

  • Flow testnet saw 40k contracts (2x Year-over-Year)
  • Two major hackathons happened this year, with a total of 15k signups and 500 projects 
  • Flow Client Library (FCL) was downloaded a staggering 680K downloads, marking a 3.5x increase Year-over-Year and a rise in new developer interest.

For more ecosystem highlights, check out the Flowverse newsletter archives for 2023.

Under The Hood

It’s not just the community and ecosystem that have been delivering huge releases and tools for Flow. The Flow community has seen more output than ever this year, with numerous Network Upgrades that have delivered a range of features and improvements at the protocol level.

2023 Feature releases:

2023 Protocol improvements:

  • Application layer spamming protection [ALSP]: Networking-layer protection against a wide range of spamming attacks and resource exhaustion attacks.
  • Network upgrades - Rolled out seamless 12 network upgrades via Height-Coordinated-Upgrades [HCU] without network downtime
  • Archive Nodes updated to be able to run on consumer grade hardware (32GB RAM vs 1TB previously)
  • Upgraded Flow’s consensus resilience, boosting attack resilience and processing speed for all non-consensus nodes

That’s a lot of releases, improvements, and updates in just 1 year.

Looking Ahead

As we approach the end of 2023, we extend a heartfelt invitation for you to be a part of our journey into the new year. Join us in the January Town Hall, where we'll unveil our vision for the future, discuss the milestones ahead, and share the collective enthusiasm that propels us into the new year.

See you in 2024!