Crescendo network upgrade is coming to Testnet on August 14th, 8am PT. Flow supercharges the Ethereum ecosystem with full EVM-equivalency and the power of Cadence 1.0.
June 25, 2021
Partner Spotlight: Mynft - East Meets West
Partner Spotlight: Mynft - East Meets West

This is a guest post from the Mynft team.

Today, we're excited to announce the beta release of Mynft, our new NFT platform built on Flow blockchain to bridge eastern and western markets. The beta release comes with basic features such as the creation (minting), trading and display of NFTs, and supports a variety of formats including image, audio and video.

As the first Flow-based project launches in China, Mynft strives to be a user-centric platform, with plans to roll out additional features like auction, blind box, and comments to enrich the user experience with more embedded social engagement.

East Meets West

We believe that NFTs, which have become a new asset class, will serve as a catalyst for rich and diverse digital innovations in the coming decade. It is also the perfect vehicle to unlock the thousands of years of history behind some of the most iconic Asian artistic movements on a global scale. 

How will Asian creators take advantage of NFTs to open up new possibilities for art? Numerous crypto artists on Makersplace, Foundation, Opensea, KnownOrigin and other international NFT platforms have been invited to attend our Mynft launch event in June, 2021. Despite coming from all over the world, they share great passion for both crypto art and Asian culture, and are fond of incorporating Asian elements into their works for unique artistic expression.

We are also aware that the Chinese and broader Asian crypto communities have been very interested in the NFT space. We are very excited to provide a more localized experience to this large audience and to bring amazing projects around the world to their attention. If you are a creator who is interested in expanding your community, please reach out here.

Collectability of Culture

When we speak of crypto collectibles, CryptoPunks are undoubtedly one of the best examples. As a type of verifiably scarce digital collectibles, CryptoPunks have developed a huge fan base with its peculiar punk style. As the NFT mania takes hold, CryptoPunks have become the most sought-after NFTs —— Nine CryptoPunks were sold together for nearly $17M at Christie's.

It is not just the beginning of a market for virtual collectibles, but also stands for the spirit and culture of a new era.

Facial makeup is one of the representative elements of traditional Chinese culture. It embodies a spiritual world with various patterns reflecting different personalities. Inspired by it, National architect & Cthuwork will roll out 2100 limited edition Facial Makeup NFTs on Mynft.

As the largest Minecraft civil group in China, National architect & Cthuwork has gathered a large number of young and talented voxel architects over the past 7 years since its inception. Currently, the 250-person group has a total of 730,000 followers on Bilibili and their videos have been viewed 30 million times. As voxel artwork creators, these highly skilled artists have shown their outstanding creativity in a range of large-scale voxel artworks such as "The Forbidden City," "Jiuzhaigou Valley," "The Vast Land," and "Along the River During the Qingming Festival." Cthuwork has been dedicated to introducing traditional Chinese culture to more people in a more novel and interesting way.

The upcoming 2100 Facial Makeup NFTs are pixel artworks generated based on an algorithm. Such collectibles that display the charm of Asian culture digitally will lead the future of virtual collectibles, in addition to supporting cultural diversity around the world.

Mynft & CryptoArt Wek Asia Will Co-Host a Meetup

The NFT market is expanding at high speed. Cryptoart, collectibles, IP, games and virtual land have enormous potential to tap into, however, many people start to learn about NFTs from cryptoart because crypto artists crave exploring the world and expressing their view with their work. Is it possible that cryptoart starts an art revolution in the digital era?

On July 10, Mynft and CryptoArt Week Asia (CAWA) will co-host an NFT-themed meetup in Hangzhou, China. The first CAWA was held in Singapore in January, 2021, CAWA is a non-profit and artistic-centric event aimed at strengthening the links among Asian artists and improving the reputation of the outstanding Asian artists all over the world.

The second CAWA will be held from July 9 to 17 in 2021. Over 200 crypto artists will attend it and more than 50 galleries will hold lectures and exhibitions. Up to now, the confirmed speakers include the co-founders of Metapurse Metakovan and Twobadour, crypto artists Krista Kim, the co-founder and COO of Sandbox Sebastien Borget, the founder of Artblocks Eric Snowfro, and the co-founder of Narra Gallery & FirstMintFund Colin Goltra.

We can hardly wait to see what amazing ideas NFT and blockchain enthusiasts will share!

Why Did We Build On Flow

Mynft is an NFT platform based on Flow to bridge eastern and western markets, and provide excellent user experience in creation, trading and social interaction. 

Flow is a public blockchain built to support the next generation of applications, games and digital assets. Additionally, the core contributors and original creators of Flow have vast experience in collaborating with some of the world's top IPs like the NBA, UFC, Ubisoft, Warner Music Group and delivering rich experience for the mainstream audience. That gave us the confidence that Flow will be able to provide both the scaling capability and the low-friction user experience necessary to empower Mynft to reach consumer scale adoption.

About Us

We are a group of crypto fans from Asia. Our group members include technical experts on Flow and community operators with years of working experience in the blockchain industry. We are dedicated to introducing new ideas to the NFT world and providing amazing user experiences. 

We've been very excited to see massive interest in joining our platform from global creators, including artists, musicians, filmmakers, video makers, game & animation studios and writers. For the beta launch, we will gradually onboard new creators on an invite-only basis. Once Mynft reaches a stable stage, the platform will open up to new creators worldwide. You can apply early via this form.

Thank you for your time, we can’t wait to bridge the gap between Asian culture and the growing metaverse of NFTs.

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